Swedish House Mafia Will Tour With Symphonic Rework of ‘One’

As the Swedish House Mafia 2019 World Tour prepares to kick off, we are finally learning a bit about the material we will hear on the tour. Oddly enough it’s not new Swedish House Mafia material we’re learning about, but a rework of one of their classics.

Composer Jacob Muhlrad announced on his Instagram that his symphonic interpretation of Swedish House Mafia‘s ‘One‘ will be premiered on May 2 at the tele2 Arena as the tour kicks off. The track will apparently be a staple of the tour, being featured at every stop along the way. Reportedly Ingrosso reached out to the composer for him to make this symphonic rework, and both parties are extremely excited about how it turned out. You can read more about this at Dagens Nhyeter but it’s locked behind a paywall. In any event we’ll keep you posted when we get a first listen on May 2.



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Idag blev det officiellt att jag gÃ¥r in i ett samarbete med @swedishhousemafia Swedish House Mafia! Det känns oerhört svinkul! Min tolkning av deras hit “ONE” fÃ¥r sin världspremiär pÃ¥ Tele2 Arena den 2,3,4 maj för att sedan turneras med till över 13 städer! I samtalen med @ingrosso Sebastian Ingrosso, som initierade samarbetet, @axwell och @steveangello kom vi fram till att jag skulle tolka lÃ¥ten “One” för en stor symfoniorkester. Resultatet blev magiskt, hade aldrig kunnat drömma om ett resultat där tvÃ¥ diametralt motsatta genrers kunde mötas i ett verk. Det har varit bland det svÃ¥raste och de roligaste projekten jag hitintills gjort!!

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