Trump’s Election Sends Dance Community into Hysteria


Donald J. Trump has been officially elected the 45th President of the United States of America and is scheduled to take office on January 20th, 2017. He won with 299.5 (as of this writing) Electoral votes versus Hillary’s 238.5. The people have decided on their President and now it’s time to see what’s in store for America.

While Trump won by a large margin of Electoral votes — he still remains unpopular amongst the mainstream media, celebrities, and EDM scene as a whole. Almost exactly like Brexit, the huge upset touched off some major nerves within the DJ community. As you can see from the following tweets by famous DJs in the scene:

Amongst these fear-riddled tweets, eclectic DJ and producer A-Trak stands out.
He urges “Any talk of moving out is cowardly. It’s privileged. We’ve got some fixing to do. There’s been NO real dialogue.” It’s safe to say that Trump will not be popular amongst the EDM scene and with the top DJs, but he has been chosen by the people of the United States of America. It remains to be seen whether any artists will follow through on their threats, but we have a feeling we’ll all still be seeing them in Miami come March 2017.

It is our duty to respect democracy — that’s exactly what makes our country the greatest one in the world. It’ll be interesting, to say the least, to see what happens in the coming months. We’re hopeful that people will help out where needed and help enact the progress they envision for America.