Porter Robinson’s Nurture is Officially Completed

We’re so glad 2020 is over. Even if 2021 isn’t gonna get us right back to normal on day one, there’s at least one big thing to look forward to. Porter Robinson announced that his Nurture album will be coming out “in a few months”.

The news comes as Porter Robinson took to social media today to let the world know his latest album is 100% complete. At the beginning of the year, we were rocked with the announcement of the album and even got a few singles. Then COVID happened and you know how the rest goes.

Porter says Nurture is his favorite music he’s ever made, so that’s pretty exciting to hear. Even better? He says the next thing he’s going to do is plan to live show. The world needs a new Porter Robinson live show so badly and we can’t wait to see what his creative genius thinks up!