Wife Questions Circumstances Surrounding Husband’s Death at EDC


Michael Morse
The unfortunate passing of a California man at this year’s Electric Daisy Carnival has brought his wife forth to denounce the safety measures taken at the event that she believes contributed to her husband’s demise.

34 year-old Michael Morse of Thousand Oaks, California died on the first night of the event on Friday June 16. It is reported that he began to experience convulsions and seizures at around 3:25am which prompted his relocation to a medical tent on the Las Vegas Motor Speedway Grounds. Despite receiving attention at the EDC medical tent, he was never transported to a hospital. Michael passed away at the scene at approximately 7:40am.

Official police statistics from the weekend of EDC reported 1,000 medical calls and 16 hospital transports. The obvious question on anyone’s mind was, ‘why wasn’t he taken to a hospital?’ That’s exactly what Moore’s wife Jennifer Marshall is asking event organizers. She adds, “From my understanding, they did take other people to the hospital; but I don’t know why they didn’t take Mike.” The coroner revealed that Michael’s internal body temperature was a shocking 109.6 degrees, roughly 10 degrees above the average body temperature.

Jennifer recounted the foreshadowing texts from Michael that gave a glimpse into the conditions that could have contributed to his declining state. Michael allegedly texted her throughout the day commenting on the excessive water lines and scorching temperatures.

His official cause of death remains unclear and will most likely remain that way until the following weeks for the official autopsy results. Michael’s family vigilantly blames festival organizer’s for what they consider logistical mistakes that proved fatal. While any death is tragic, a death at a music festival always leaves an lasting imprint in the electronic community. We hope the family can find some peace in these dark coming times.

Insomniac released an official statement on Tuesday Morning. Read it below.

“The unexpected passing of a loved one is tragic, and while the exact cause of this tragedy is still unknown, we do know that family and friends are grieving. It is with great sadness that we send our thoughts and condolences to the loved ones of the man who passed away after the festival had ended.

Our health and safety plan is created over several months with local agencies. Our roaming medical personnel are available twenty-four hours a day, free of charge, with the best emergency room doctors, nurses, EMTs and paramedics in the country. A full staff of security and police are also available to all attendees. We encourage everyone to approach our caring staff and ask for help if needed.”