Want To Know How To Get Signed By Dim Mak? Just Email Steve Aoki

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Yesterday morning and nearly half a world away, the Electronic Music Conference kicked off in Sydney Australia. Hosted during the middle of the week while Stereosonic makes it way around the country on the weekends, the event is filled with keynote addresses from prominent EDM figures. With dance music star Steve Aoki teaming up with Vicious Recordings GM, John Course, the two discussed the ins and outs of the industry with Steve focusing specifically on his own label.

While the large majority of the discussion was based around Steve’s musical background, the creation of Dim Mak Records, and learning how to produce, it was a question from a fan that sent the session in a completely different direction. When asked about how to does an emerging artist get noticed by the leading man at Dim Mak, Steve Aoki responded…”

You want to know how to get signed to Dim Mak? It used to be just me signing new bands, but now we have a whole team, a Board of Directors. Just send it to [email protected]…!

With an answer like that, it may seem simple or too good to be true to get in with Dim Mak Records, but first impression is key when it comes to a potential emerging artist. When asked about what impresses him, Steve Aoki responded…”

Is when people create their own lane, taking influences from all over to create something new. Now there’s the Flume sound, or the Skrillex sound, I’m not opposed if you want to write a Beatport Top Ten hit, but it’s harder to follow your heart and create your own path… But you can produce anywhere these days, all you need is a computer and some Vengeance samples

Who knows, if you think you have the potential and the will to believe send over those demos to Dim Mak  Records ASAP, hey you never know!

 Via: InTheMix