This Former Air Traffic Controller Produces Techno To Cope With Anxiety


Robert Wilson of New Brunswick, Canada was an air traffic controller for nineteen years before he suffered what he thought was a heart attack. He eventually found out that it was a serious anxiety attack and from that point on, he was unable to work. Robert then became a stay-at-home dad to his two daughters, but to keep his mind occupied, he started producing techno music. No one would ever think that producing techno would be ideal for a person suffering from serious anxiety. Calm, classical music seems like the best bet, but for Mr. Wilson, techno eases his pain. He was able to use his brilliance in mathematics to see how rhythm patterns in music work. He even explained how the outcome of his creations gave him an emotional satisfaction:

“There was actually a few times some of the tracks I have created myself when I was done I burst into tears cause I was so emotional.”

If you are one of those people who feel that electronic music is a nuisance, loud and only meant for dancing at nightclubs, watch the video below to see how it can actually help relax your mind and body. You can check out some of Robert’s music on his Bandcamp page.

H/T: Ask Audio