
Spotify Wrapped 2019 is Back & Introduces ‘My Decade Wrapped’

Can you believe that it’s almost 2020 already? Not only that but the mere fact that we’re entering a new decade is unbelievable. Nonetheless, it’s that time of the year where Spotify has started its yearly wrapped summary. On Wednesday, Spotify’s 2019 Wrapped campaign page went live. You’ve probably already seen countless friends share their top artists and songs on social media. This year, however, Spotify has introduced a new feature to the yearly wrap campaign.

To commemorate the end of the decade, a new ‘My Decade Wrapped’ section has been created. Take a huge step back and see how you’re music taste has changed over the past ten years! Many of us will be a little surprised or even embarrassed to see what music we were in love with through the 2010’s. You’ll learn your artist of the decade, along with a grand total of hours spent streaming. Don’t get too depressed with how long you’ve spent listening to music; it’s an accomplishment!

As you likely know from previous years, the wrapped campaign outlines each users’ top artists, genres, songs, and podcasts. This year, premium and free accounts will be able to take advantage of their yearly and decade wraps. Simply visit spotify.com/wrapped and login into your account to get your personalized stats. Let us know how your results look and who earned your top artist of the decade!

Spotify Wrapped is Back

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