
Pryda 15 Vol III EP Tracks Revealed By Shazam

Although Eric Prydz’ Pryda 15 Vol III EP is late, it’s shaping up to be worth the wait. As the EP approaches its new release date on October 4, the tracks seem be popping up on Shazam. Of course Eric’s fervent Reddit community found them and dissected every bit of information.

We already know about one fan-favorite making its way onto the EP, and that’s T5ID, which shall now be known as Terminal 5. The tracks are largely considered “recent” IDs from 2015 or later, upsetting some of the older fans. However, there’s plenty to be excited about. Quite a few emotional finale tracks made their way on there such as Summerburst ID as ‘Project Prayer‘. Besides Terminal 5, the most beloved track on the list would have to be Exchange Finale ID, which will be known as ‘Exchange Finale‘. Some other notable tracks include Police Escort ID now called ‘The Escort’, Echostage 2017 ID now called ‘Evolution’ and Lillo ID 04 now called ‘Bus 605’.

Peep the full listing (so far) and listen to a playlist of all the tracks below.

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