
[WATCH] deadmau5’s Cube v3 Technology

Just a little while ago, deadmau5 put out a video detailing the process of creating Cube v3 as well as the big debut at Creamfields. Now, another video has been put out regarding the technology of the Cube.

deadmau5 explains how Cube v3 and all the software that goes into it differs from the previous process. Touch Designer is a superstar in creating all the visuals for the show as works together with Ableton. Not only do the visuals appear better and smoother in 60 fps, all visuals are able to be changed in real time by deadmau5. Technology advancement and the development of new software has changed how visuals are set up. Not only has quality improved, so has accessibility and convenience.

Even if you aren’t a technology geek, you’d be able to appreciate all the work behind the Cube v3. Check out the video below as well as tour dates on his website.

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