
Steve Angello Worked on Tracks for The Killer’s Next Album

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A year ago, Steve lost his passion for his art and music career, motivating him to move back to his home city of StockholmSweden. But after experiencing a spiritual awakening within a church, he was able to find peace within himself.

His new album, Human, is the result of this life-changing event that Angello personally experienced. Featuring 21 tracks, it shows the vast sound and dynamism that the Grammy-nominated producer is capable of.

In chronological order, the series within the album tells the story of Angello’s life: GenesisInferno and Paradiso. Specifically designed to be unconventional, this album is certainly something that many people will find intriguing.

However, the album’s current single, “Nothing Scares Me Anymore“, has quite the cool story behind it. The track was first written with vocals by The Killers. Additionally, during an interview with Dance-Charts, Steve Angello revealed, “We’ve done some songs together that will be on the band’s upcoming album”. Whoa! Not only do we get a new album from Steve Angello, but this also means The Killers have a new album in the works with Angello’s touch and sound on a few of the songs.

Human is set to be released on April 27th, 2018, and will definitely be worth the wait. Make sure you show Steve some love and pre-order it here.

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