
EDC Vegas Ends with 1000 Medical Calls & 1 Death

medical calls

When you combine 136,000 people per night with heat warnings and hours of dancing, nature takes its toll on the human body. EDC beefed up its medical personnel this year after unfortunate deaths during last year’s EDC, however they were unable to achieve a perfect safety record this year. In fact, the statistics are staggering but might be a result of increased caution.

There were over 1000 medical calls, 16 hospital transports, 95 felony arrests, and 300 ejections throughout the weekend. Sadly, there was also the death of a 34-year old attendee Saturday morning at 7am following Friday’s festivities. The family blames the heat, which was the subject of a National Weather Service advisory for the entire weekend. While these numbers sound like a major shift in the wrong direction, they also might indicate more people getting help that previously would not have. Our condolences go out to the family of the fallen raver.

Source: 3LV

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