
Carl Cox To Make His Digital Debut in Sensorium Galaxy

Sensorium just announced Carl Cox’s debut virtual show in the Sensorium Galaxy. The exclusive 30-minute performance, featuring tracks written, produced, and performed by Carl, is set to premiere on Friday, October 27, at 7 p.m. GMT. Music and technology fans from around the globe will be able to access this captivating experience at no cost. Named Intermundium, which refers to the space between worlds, or dimensions, the show promises to be another step into the territory of digital performance.

Sensorium Galaxy is an evolving metaverse consisting of a configuration of diverse virtual worlds. PRISM is Sensorium Galaxy’s hub dedicated to electronic music, where avatars of both real-life and virtual DJs provide continuous musical engagements. The show is built around the key characteristics of the PRISM world, revealing its phenomenon as an anomaly location.

This is utilized by the digital version of Carl Cox for a performance with visual sensations that aren’t achievable in the real world. In the valley of PRISM’s extraordinary surroundings, he controls the environment with his tech-house beats, driving every element of this world into motion with the power of sound—from erupting volcanic streams to gigantic, futuristic structures of an extraterrestrial concert module, engaging virtual inhabitants and show guests in an endless dance.

Here is what Carl Cox had to say about the experience :

“I’ve always been about pushing boundaries, sharing the love of music, and enhancing electronic music culture. I truly understood what was possible when I first saw my avatar and literally did a double-take! I thought, ‘This is now a reality – or should I say virtual reality?’ It has been really interesting to see things develop to the point where I can share my experiences with like-minded individuals anywhere on Earth – or beyond!”

Make sure not to miss the worldwide premiere of Intermundium, on October 27th. For more info, please visit the official website.

Stay tuned for more news!

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