
Apple Launches Concert Discovery Features

Apple Music‘s new Concert Discovery feature allows users to browse upcoming shows and purchase tickets directly through the app. The feature uses a user’s listening history to suggest concerts that match their musical preferences. Users can also search for specific artists or venues to see what shows are coming up.

Maps’ Concert Discovery feature provides users with a visual map of upcoming concerts in their area. Users can zoom in and out of the map to see what shows are happening near them and get directions to the venue. The feature also allows users to filter concerts by genre and date.

When users select a concert, Maps provides them with additional information, including the artist lineup, venue details, and links to purchase tickets. Users can also add the concert to their calendar and get directions to the venue.

Apple Music and Maps’ new concert discovery features make it easier than ever for users to stay on top of the latest shows happening in their area. With detailed information and easy ticket purchasing options, users can easily plan their next night out and experience the best live music in their city.

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