
The WHO States Return of Live Events Could Be “Disastrous”

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that the return of live events is unrealistic and would be “disastrous” in 2020.

During an online discussion, Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies programme, shares concerns about the return of events.

“Large crowds of 40,000, 50,0000, 60,000 people… it’s not just the risk of being in the stadium – it’s the risk of going to the stadium, the public transport, the bars and the clubs.” Ryan continues, “Imagine all the problems we have now with nightclubs and bars, and you squeeze all of that together into a four- or five-hour experience, where thousands of people go on the same public transport to a venue, get involved in the social aspects before a game, be involved in the game and then all of the social aspects after. In the context of community transmission, that could be disastrous.”

As reported by the AFP, Michael Ryan states the return of stadium shows are unrealistic for “countries with community transmission.” It is unlikely that venues will reopen in the near future.

The UK held it’s first socially distanced event last week. Built with social distancing in mind, the concert venue paved the way for the possible restart of the music industry.

UK Holds its first social distanced concert. Photo obtained from CNN.

Illegal raves have become a new trend during the COVID-19 era. Thousands of party-goers are gathering together to attend these underground events, bringing rave culture back to its original roots.

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