
Skrillex Auctioned Off a 1 Hour Studio Session for Cancer Research

The Pablove Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports pediatric cancer research. They strive to improve the lives of children living with cancer through the arts. In an effort to help donate to this non-profit, Skrillex is auctioning off a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Skrillex along with his OWSLA label is offering a meet and green with 1 hour private visit to his LA studio. Unfortunately, travel and accommodations will not be included and the winner cannot redeem the prize until 2021.

At this time being , the bidding is officially closed. Bidding was open through 3:30 PM EST on August 27th, with the most recent highest bidder at $17,050!!!

Other stars such as the Maroon 5 guitarist and Mitchell Leib also donated prizes.

In these trying times and the crazy year that is 2020, it’s sure nice to see stars use their fame and step up to raise money for children’s cancer research.

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