More Good News on the Coronavirus Vaccine

It seems like each week we are (hopefully) getting close and closer to one day having a coronavirus vaccine. Pending FDA approval, the US has secured 100 million doses of Pfizer and BioNtech experimental coronavirus vaccines. Between both companies, they are currently looking at 4 vaccines, with 2 already receiving FDA fast track approval. This deal was $1.95 billion dollars but has the potential to make a major change in the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, 500 million more doses can be acquired – all for free to US citizens. This is very positive, uplifting news, as it shows potential to have a vaccine by the end of the year!

Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a partnership amongst components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) leading this initiative. Their goal is to deliver mass quantities of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines by January 2021. The plan accelerates the development, production and distribution of tests, treatments and vaccines for the disease, in an effort to end this pandemic.

Now, don’t get excited JUST yet. The phased trial with humans will begin later this month. If all goes well, by October 2020 we could have reviews. At that point, if successful, 100 million doses will be manufactured with 1.3 billion more produced in 2021.