
Tomorrowland’s Dreamville Coming to Durbury, Belgium

We all know by now that Tomorrowland in Belgium was canceled due to coronavirus concerns and an event ban. In substitute for what would have been its 2020 event, there will be a digital festival in its place. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Dreamville experience will be coming to Durbury, Belgium, and will be named Green Fields. After all, Tomorrowland still has all of those tents!

For those who have never heard of this concept, Dreamville is the campsite where attendees live during the festival. There are typically many activities to participate in and many shops to purchase special goods. Although the festival experience will not be happening this year, Dreamville will still be taking place as a glamping experience, reimagined in Durbury.

Green Fields will be taking place this year from July 2nd – July 31st. Camp packages are currently available; there are eight different types of accommodations being offered. Every camp-goer is promised to have an incredible time, especially with many of the activities that will be offered, such as countless adventures, pub games, a special bar, and access to adventure parks in Europe. If we can get even a little taste of the real Tomorrowland, we’re excited.

If you seek to commemorate Tomorrowland this year, then why not participate in this glamping experience? Not only will it feel like you are in Dreamville, but you can also watch the festival’s digital event if you book on July 25th -26th. Certainly, this is an opportunity that you should not miss. If you are looking for more information on Green Fields, you can do so on the official website.

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