
Charlotte de Witte – Return to Nowhere EP

Charlotte de Witte is hitting us with new music during the quarantine. Here is the homecoming to her own imprint KNTXT with a brand new EP, ‘Return to Nowhere’. It consists of four long-awaited tracks, where each is captivating and hypnotizing in their own way, as Charlotte does.

First up is ‘Sgadi Li Mi’, which is a heart-pounding track, alternating with hi-hats and an ethereal atmosphere about it. The acidic stabs of synth vibrate in the background and give us that extraterrestrial feel to an underground rave. It’s exotic in sound, mind, and soul.

Return To Nowhere‘ resonates with chants in the background, accompanying the unrelenting bassline. With haunting hymns and an echoing melody, this one is powerful.

Ensemble‘ combines her iconic hard-punching techno with mesmerizing chants, much like the rest of her EP. Finishing off is ‘What’s In The Past‘, a spellbinding track that makes you feel like you have ascended into the gates of heaven. It is an ambient track and the perfect closer to this desolate, yet hopeful soundtrack.

These four tracks further explore her sonic realm, as their techno sounds remind us of her ‘Selected’ EP. She switches to the harsh, squelching synths for a different take on her craft. All of this proves why Charlotte once again remains at the forefront of the industry.
The release of this album comes perfectly during these uncertain times. 

I made the EP before the current COVID-19 crisis. After being inspired by recordings of age-old traditional chants. So, I never intended it to be a “Corona record”. However, it did grow on me during this period of isolation.” – Charlotte de Witte

Relive her livestream from the medieval Gravensteen Castle and listen to her latest EP below.

Charlotte de Witte – Return to Nowhere EP | Buy/Stream

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