
Xbox Series X Gameplay First Look Event Stream

The eagerly awaited Xbox Series X console, releasing around this holiday hosted a Livestream unveiling gameplay from some of the most anticipated titles including Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.

Quick Specs

The new Xbox Series X boasts some proper power including: True 4K/8K ready picture at 120fps with a 1TB SSD and 12 Teraflops of computing power with AMD Zen 2 processor and split motherboard for cooling.

Xbox’s specs surely make me want to hook this new console up as soon as possible.

The Livestream Event

IGN’s recording of the Microsoft event below is worth the watch but I will say as far as trying to impress me via YouTube for a console that boasts that power with a compressed video, well, that really doesn’t show off the games as well as I would hope. You can’t grasp the true nature of something until it’s in front of you. I think that’s the case with this next-gen console.

The stream is, however, a nice tease as to what’s coming game-wise. A lot of titles that piqued my interest were included in the event and IGN has a separate article about those here.

The one, of course, everyone is thinking about is Valhalla. The newest chapter in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. The gameplay as shown during the event (starts at 26mins) definitely didn’t hit the same way the cinematic trailer did (video below the event). I understand that more work perhaps needs to be done and their marketing campaign has just started but many fans also voiced their grievances with the footage shown.

Hopefully since this is just the start of seeing these things come to life that many improvements, gameplay trailers and better footage emerges. With all that said, I’m still really looking forward to what’s in store with this next-gen console and the games accompanying it.

IGN Livestream Video

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cinematic Trailer

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