
Groove Cruise Unveils 3-Day Virtual Livestream

As the music scene endures lockdown, the live stream festival season continues. This weekend, Whet Travel will be hosting the first Groove Cruise Virtual Sail Aways live stream.

The live stream will feature more than 20 artists, including Roger Sanchez, Gene Farris, Cocodrills, Offaiah, and many more. The online event will include three costume themes – Tiger King, MASKquerade and House Music Apocalypse – for viewers to dress up at home and share amongst each other via the interactive Zoom chat.

All proceeds from the event will go towards the Whet Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund, which will help those experiencing hardship during this time. The list includes artists, “captains” who have sailed with Whet Travel, health workers, former employees, contractors, and partner companies that have laid off employees.

The Groove Cruise Twitch will be the main donations and streaming hub. You can also watch on Groove Cruise’s Facebook, Youtube, Zoom and Instagram pages.

You can find more information on this initiative here.

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