
Zedd Just Got Banned In China

Calling all Zedd fans! If you were hoping to catch the German-Russian record producer during his next stop in China, think again. In a week where China’s oppressive control over industries like NBA and Hollywood is coming to light, now the DJ world is impacted. Recently, the ‘Good Thing‘ artist announced some truly troublings news. Apparently, Zedd liked a South Park Tweet and got himself permanently banned from China! Seriously, who knew that that would be all that it would take…

This comes after South Park itself was banned in China and scrubbed from the internet after the show made fun of China and American industries that censor themselves to make money there. In response to the ban, South Park aired another episode this week where characters from South Park yell “F— the Chinese Government!!” in a meta moment.

Will Zedd stand up to China or profusely apologize? We’ll have to see. Zedd’s entire fanbase is currently flocking to express their concerns. 2019, you are full of surprises!

Please, we just need some ‘Clarity‘ on the situation…

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