
Tumblr Sold to WordPress Owner

Tumblr sold

Tumblr was an online paradise and playground for aesthetic accounts and the millennial generation when they were teens. However, the change to ban adult content and nudity on the platform last year repelled a lot of its loyal fan base. They lost 30% of traffic as a result of the ban, according to The Verge. In recent years, Tumblr faces competition from other social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter. With its new content regulation, people have turned to Twitter for its more relaxed policies and atmosphere. Tumblr has been sold and re-owned in recent years.

Tumblr was bought by Yahoo in 2013 for 1.1 billion, but its value fell during this period of ownership. Then in 2017, Verizon obtained Tumblr when it was bought Yahoo for 4.5 billion. The Verizon Media CEO states,

“Tumblr is a marquee brand that has started movements, allowed for true identities to blossom and become home to many creative communities and fandoms. We are proud of what the team has accomplished and are happy to have found the perfect partner in Automattic, whose expertise and track record will unlock new and exciting possibilities for Tumblr and its users. ”

So far there will be no major changes for Tumblr and its content regulations. However, this will be a new chapter for the company. We will see how Tumblr changes and progresses under new ownership through this sell.

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