
Burning Man Art Installation Revealed

Burning Man Art

Every year at the end of August, Burning Man attendees, known as Burners look forward to returning to Black Rock City, NV. For the duration of the 9 days, attendees inhabit this newly built city on a vast barren desert. Then at the end, they return everything as is; leaving no trace.

Burning Man is a big festival that celebrates music, art, and the unique culture they’ve established. The festival has a clock-like layout of the grounds with art installations in the middle and camp grounds extending out. Other than a big statue of a man in the center of the space (that’s set on fire and burned yearly on Saturday evening), there are no set art installations that reappear each year. So seeing and interacting with these unique large scale art installations are a big part of the experience.

Take a look below to see what might be at the Playa!

Although most of these are funded and guaranteed to be at Black Rock City, some of these aren’t fully funded yet. There are also other art proposals that aren’t included. The full list of proposals are online. You can donate to art installations through their Gofundme link.

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