
Porter Robinson To Donate Second Sky Proceeds To Cancer Research

Porter Robinson‘s Second Sky Festival is heading to California for its debut event on June 15 and 16. With only a few weeks left, Robinson took to social media today with heartwarming news. He’s created a cancer foundation in honor of his brother that will be accepting donations at Second Sky.

Meet The Robinson Malawi Fund

Robinson shares that his younger brother Mark was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Burkitt lymphoma. Mark was treated at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and went into remission in 2017.

Burkitt lymphoma has a high survival rate in the US, but it’s only 29% in the East African country of Malawi. The UNC Medicine team runs its own pediatric cancer program there in an attempt to increase that rate.

With Mark now in remission—thanks to the efforts of the their incredible staff—Robinson’s new foundation will help children with Burkitt Lymphoma in Malawi. Meet The Robinson Malawi Fund.

The fund will work with UNC to increase their program’s resources and, in turn, increase the survival rates in Malawi.

He explains in a Facebook post:

The Robinson Malawi Fund website explains further:

While on the Shelter Tour in Philadelphia in November 2016, Porter Robinson received a call that would change his life forever. His younger brother, Mark was in the hospital gravely ill and was eventually diagnosed with a rare form of fast-growing cancer called Burkitt lymphoma. Porter is starting a fund in coordination with UNC called the Robinson Malawi Fund. If you’d like to join the cause, we appreciate your donation as every dollar helps.

Donate At Second Sky Festival

The Robinson Malawi Fund will have a booth at Second Sky, where you can learn more about their work and donate to the cause. Their team aims to raise at least $50,000.

The entire event team is doing their part to donate, too. Robinson will match all of the donations made at the festival, and Goldenvioice is donating a dollar from each ticket sale to the cause.

You can read more about the Robinson Malawi Fund here. Be sure to bring some extra cash to donate while you’re dancing the day away!

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