
Chinese Ecstasy Linked To Numerous Fatalities

chinese ecstasy

MDMA, more commonly known as “molly”, has historically been a huge part of rave culture. With scarce sources and greed in mind, it’s not unusual that counterfeit substances are manufactured. A new, synthetic “Chinese ecstasy“-like drug is making its way from China to the rest of the world.

MDMA is synthesized from the Sassafras tree oil Safrole. With high demand and popularization of the EDM scene, it is no surprise that supply cannot keep up with the demand.

Scarcity of Safrole means a scarcity of “pure” MDMA, which leads to the manufacturing of fake drugs. N-Ethylnorpentylone, a designer stimulant drug, is a legal substance that hasn’t made its way to the DEA‘s Drug Scheduling. This leads to easy accessibility and evading criminal penalties.

“If you think meth is strong, this is at least ten times worse.”

Jack – Victim of Chinese Ecstasy. @Bristol , UK

Now, Chinese Ecstasy’s biggest threat lies in its inability to act quickly. Many users will think they did not take enough and will administer more of the drug, which can result in an overdose.

Unlike most of the traditional ecstasy partygoers are familiar with, Chinese Ecstasy can keep the user up for 2-4 days. Some users have even reported to feel limp and faint. With over 125 deaths linked to Chinese Ecstasy, this drug is no child’s play.

Besides N-Ethylnorpentylone, drug makers are also including harsh chemicals like boric acid, which is a drain cleaner. The best way to stay safe is to not to consume drugs; prevention is key. One user added that MDMA should show up purple when using a self-testing reagent kit. N-Ethylpentylone’s resulting colour is yellow.

Below is a video of National Geographic’s “Drugs Inc.”, which provides some insights on the local “molly” market in Atlanta, GA.

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