
Moby Apologizes For Claims of Dating Natalie Portman

Dance music artist, philanthropist, & activist Moby tells all in his latest memoir Then It All Fell Apart. The renown musician discusses his rise from the streets to being an international artist and his many personal affairs in between. One affair in particular has caught the attention of his readers – he claims that he had a brief romantic relationship with actress & ‘Star Wars’ heroine Natalie Portman.

In an interview with Harpers Baazar, Ms. Portman explained her feelings of a much older man approaching a much younger woman. Portman; 18 years  & Moby; 33, during the alleged relationship, as being inappropriate.

“I was surprised to hear that he characterized the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me…”

“…My recollection of Moby is an older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school”

– Natalie Portman to Harpers Baazar 

Moby responded with a post on Instagram stating his confusion regarding Ms. Portman’s statement denying the two of them ever having dated.

“I recently read a gossip piece wherein Natalie Portman said that we’d never dated. This confused me, as we did, in fact, date. And after briefly dating in 1999 we remained friends for years…”

Moby continued to respond to backlash from various Portman fans, stating there is ample evidence & photographs depicting the two as being romantically involved.

A few days later, Moby released an apology on his Instagram about the debacle.

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