
Getter Breaks Silence After Disconnecting from Social Media

Earlier this year, Getter set upon his ‘Visceral tour following his album which was critically acclaimed. Many attended his shows expecting his previous sound, all dubs and wubs. Yet as the tour progressed, many fans began to boo and heckle him at each stop, the biggest being in Houston. This prompted Getter to cancel the rest of the tour and withdraw from all social media.

“I am canceling the rest of the tour
I need to make myself happy.”

Now, he’s back! Well, sort of. The break from social media helped recenter the producer and fight away the negativity. Firstly, he’s accepted the fact that he does care what people think. This self awareness is hard for many to accept. We all want to think we’re tough enough to not care about others’ opinions. Let’s be real, most of us do. With that in mind, Getter passes his socials to his managers. Instead, he will focus on creating music.

“It’s so easy to say ‘fuck you, you suck, kill yourself’ yet it’s almost a chore to say something nice”

It’s true. Social media, though entertaining, has created a web of hate that is only getting bigger. It sucks. It really does. We’re glad that Getter broke his silence and is returning to music. He has a few shows coming up, which you can check out here.

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