
What So Not Great About A San Holo Collaboration

san whatAre you ready for a repeat? What So Not and San Holo are back in the studio together brewing something new for our ears. It’s been almost a year since their last song released on What So Not’s album “Not All Beautiful Things“.”If You Only Knew”, was a lasting hit meaning this next song is something we can’t wait to listen to.

Both artists took to Twitter to tease the upcoming collaboration. It’s not clear whether or not they have finished the song, but nevertheless, fans will be looking closely for any news about this song. San Holo tweeted “this collab with @WhatSoNot and my long lost brother is gonna be so sick. Who wants to hear it?”

You don’t have to ask us twice. Who is excited to for this collab again? Let us know on our Facebook and Instagram.

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