
Ultra Transport Unveils Shuttle Details

As you probably know by now, Ultra Music Festival is moving to Virginia Key for 2019. As a result, the logistics of arriving at the festival have changed completely. This required the use of a shuttling system because the venue area has one thoroughfare in and out. Ultra promised a robust free shuttle system and now the details are being unveiled.

There will be NO general admission parking on the island whatsoever. Everybody must be shuttled in and there will be 3 shuttle locations. The buses will be air conditioned with bathrooms and Wifi. Shuttle A picks up around Wynwood with an estimated 17 minute ride. Shuttle B launches from the American Airlines arena with a 15 minute ride and Shuttle C launches from Vizcaya Gardens area with an 8 minute estimated ride.

All in all those seem to be reasonable locations centered around where most attendees would have booked hotels previously. Those on South Beach knew what they were getting into before so not much changes for them. What we still don’t know is anything about the water taxi situation or anything about getting from Marine Stadium area to the Beach area. Stay tuned because Ultra says more details are coming. Check out the full post with graphics below.

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