
Bandcamp Announces Brick-And Mortar Record Shop, Performance Space Opening In Oakland

Since 2007, Bandcamp has been used by music fans, established artists and record labels as a global online platform to unify and streamline their music experience. As explained by the company, their “mission is to create the best possible service for artists and labels to share and earn money from their music, and for fans to discover and enjoy it.” They’ve been a leading example of what it means to support your favorite artists, and starting next week they’ll be able to do that in an even more tangible way.

Bandcamp has announced that they’ll be opening the doors for their first-ever record shop and performance space in Oakland, California. It will reside at 1901 Broadway, near the 19th Street BART station.

In a Jan. 17 post from Bandcamp Daily, they described their vision of the brick-and-mortar record shop:

We’ll feature a selection of records that showcase the diversity and design of the more than 5 million albums available on Bandcamp. We’ll soon host free, all-ages shows as part of an upcoming video series. We’re thrilled to join the thriving Oakland arts community that includes artists and labels like The SeshenJay Stonen5MD, and Slumberland Records, and our new neighbors the Fox Theater, The New Parish, The Paramount Theatre and Starline Social Club (to name a few).

If you happen to be in the area at the time, Bandcamp will be hosting their all-ages grand opening celebration beginning at 7pm on Feb. 1. They will be featuring performances by Bells Atlas, Sol Development, Queens D. Light, Jazz on the Sidewalk, and MJ’s Brass Boppers.

H/T: Daily Bandcamp

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