
Woodstock 50th Anniversary Set To Return?

50th Woodstock Anniversary Could Make a Comeback

If we told you the 50th anniversary of Woodstock Music and Art Fair will be a festival in 2019, would you believe it? Well, rumor has it that it is definitely in the works. The iconic festival once held on a dairy farm could make a reappearance again and we are very excited about it.

Michael Lang, the Ulster County resident and promoter for the original 1969 gathering, brings us this news. No details on performers, location, and dates of the show have been revealed yet.

“We have definite plans, I’m excited. I am indeed” – Michael Lang

It’s considered the crowning achievement of the 1960s counterculture. It attracted hundreds of thousands of people to Bethel, Sullivan County in 1969. Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Richie Havens, and Janis Joplin performed among many others at the festival. During the 1960s turmoil, people still gathered together for peace, love, and unity.

The anniversary festival centers around sustainability, activism, and social justice. It encourages people to get involved with our lives on the planet. This is what the “history and essence of what Woodstock was.”

As we enter these unyielding times in political disarray, we forget the one thing holding us together. The environment we live in is also in trouble. Would it be sinister to say history is repeating itself like the 60s?

The inaugural Woodstock site is now the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, a museum and indoor/outdoor performance venue for veterans and contemporary acts. So the hunt for a venue is on.

With a great location and decent prices, the reincarnation has the potential for greatness. Mixing the old with the new generations, there is something for everyone. We know how it went down back then so let’s try to celebrate with music, food, and art this time!

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