
My Deep Therapy Team Discusses Upcoming Warehouse Event

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In 2014, Farid Dagher and Ali Harb, the founders of a successful Ottawa based promotion company FloorPlay teamed up with local DJ Sergio Pari to create an event that showcased the deep and therapeutic effect of music. The result was My Deep Therapy, an entertainment brand that would bring the people, the art and the music they loved together in the most intimate of settings.

Recently, we had the absolute pleasure of interviewing the dynamic trio to get an in-depth look into what they will have in store for their upcoming Deep Therapy in a Warehouse event, how they choose who their international guest therapist will be, how they come up with the concepts behind the visual productions, and what was the inspiration behind their infamous logo!

We want to thank their team for taking the time out of their busy schedules in order to discuss these elements. In addition, we would like to extend our appreciation for their honesty. There are weeks, sometimes months, of planning that goes into putting together these memorable events, and although it may not always be smooth sailing, they certainly ride the wave so that their attendees can live a truly one-of-a-kind night out.

We are counting down the days until the August 25, 2018, edition. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets – buy them here. As we patiently await the launch of the highly anticipated event, check out what they shared with us below:

Who are the artists behind the stunning art displays showcased around the warehouse? Are there specific concepts that you ask that they keep in mind when creating the pieces?  

The ideas or concepts for the art displays are developed by the three of us. The actual execution is handled by Ali who sometimes enlists the help of friends and volunteers to help us pull it off. When the venues were smaller, we tried to focus on only one theme per event but with a large blank canvas like the Zibi Warehouse, we’re able to include multiple installations and touch on various themes. 

Speaking of art, can you tell us about the concept behind the visual productions seen at a Deep Therapy event. They always seen to match the music perfectly – is that a coincidence?

A key member of our team, Nerses Sarkisan who’s an artist with Eye See Experience out of Lebanon is the mastermind behind our visuals. The timing of the visuals is no coincidence as Nerses works them in real time during the entire event. He also does a significant amount of work in preparation for each event and has an intimate knowledge of the music and the vibe we work to deliver.

How many hours and team members does it take to pull together an event like this?

The preparation for each event extends well beyond hours and into weeks and months. Most of this is handled by the three of us. The weekend of the event, however, is almost a 72-hour marathon that starts on Friday morning and ends well into Sunday afternoon. We manage to pull it off with the help of nearly 30 people that include volunteers, bartenders, security guards, sound & lighting techs, visual artists, admission staff, laborers, and builders. 

How do you choose who your international guest therapist will be?

We’re always maintaining a full list of all the international guests we’d like to someday include in our events. This list is based on the musical direction of the brand and is curated by the two resident DJs, Ali, and Sergio. Like many large-scale events, the selection of a specific guest comes down to a fine balance of artist availability and budget. We’re always on the lookout for up and coming artists and we always encourage our patients to submit suggestions. 

What do you believe is the number one element that helps people feel better about themselves when they leave a Deep Therapy party? Why do you believe it stands out from the rest? 

The atmosphere! It’s our primary focus and where we place the most attention to detail. We try to avoid many of the stigmas associated with nightclubs and focus more on a friendly, equal and inclusive environment where people feel welcome and comfortable. We encourage our patients to disconnect, reflect and enjoy being in the present moment. We pride ourselves on offering a therapeutic experience that’s cheaper than going to a psychiatrist.

What was the inspiration behind the stunning and infamous logo?

In the early days, there was no logo, only a wordmark of Deep Therapy that we styled on our flyers. After a few years, we reflected back on all the transformations we took part in: the event adapting to different venues, the growing themes we explored, the talent we showcased, the communication of our ideas and the expansion of our brand. We looked for a symbol that could communicate the transformations we had undergone and would continue to grow through. What better than a butterfly?

Butterflies are a deep and powerful representation of life. Many cultures around the world associate the butterfly with our souls. It’s a symbol of endurance, transformation, and expression. Deep Therapy was developed to soothe your soul, to give it the deep and powerful groove it deserves. We stand for many of the same ideas the butterfly represents, and we feel it is the perfect depiction of our journey.

Now that we’re on the topic, the merchandise featuring that sleek logo is simple, but always fashionable. Are there any more items that will be up for purchase soon – if so, when can we get our hands on them? 

At the moment we’re offering t-shirts, baseball caps, and custom EarPeace earplugs. We did an exclusive run of Deep Therapy tuques during the winter and we’re hoping to bring those back along with a few new items in the future.

What are some of the most rewarding aspects when your team finalizes an event of this magnitude?

The smile on our patient’s faces! An event of this magnitude is difficult to do but the most rewarding aspect is knowing that we’ve brought so many people together to create some fantastic memories and experiences.

We’re fueled by what we’re passionate about. We love music, we love art and most importantly we love bringing people together.

What can we expect at the upcoming August 25 edition?

More therapy! Although we’re always striving to showcase new music, art and production, our goal is to continue to recreate the therapeutic atmosphere that keeps our patients coming back time after time. 

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