
iTunes Soon To No Longer Accept LP Submissions


Artists generally tend to use LP’s to add on extra content whether it be in the form of extra tracks, demos, behind the scene content and even music videos. However, lately signs indicate that it may not be the case much longer through iTunes.

A leaked internal email from Apple has stated that soon,

they would no longer be accepting any new LP submissions after March 2018“. It also specified, “existing LP’s are set to be deprecated from the store throughout the remainder of 2018.” “Customers who have since purchased any albums that may have contained an LP have nothing to worry about as those will continue to be accessible and available to download through the iTunes Match software.

iTunes LP’s have not really been a huge part of Apple‘s music business. While new LP submissions are set to be discontinued, users will still have access to old LP’s. Users will still be able to download any previous or new purchases of iTunes LPs at any time via iTunes.

This move has consumers wondering if this could be the beginning of the end for iTunes as we know it. You can read more about iTunes’ latest move here.

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