
Henry Fong Jumps Off Bridge Naked After Losing SHM Bet


Now that Ultra Music Festival is over and our hearts have melted from the Swedish House Mafia reunion, we could not be more pleased. For those that bet it would happen, rest easy. For those that bet against it, like DJ Henry Fong, it’s only a gambling problem if you lose! Fong took to Twitter and showed he had to be a man of his word–for the most part.

The West Palm Beach producer, who also performed at Ultra, appeased his bet a couple ways. First, he hesitantly shaved one precious dreadlock instead of all. Next, he jumped naked off a bridge into shark infested waters. This wasn’t the Miami Beach Fountainbleu pool that he promised, but it’s good enough. The tweets go wild with support from other artists like Deorro and Arty as they congratulate him on his feat.

If this doesn’t add joy to your day or even your life, then we don’t know what will. This is the best thing on the Internet today. A genuine music loving community backed up amazing artists all coming together to have a little fun. Ultra brought that and it also brings you this amazing clip that we will remember forever. As Fong teases himself on this shameful bet, he ends his video with “Now leave me the f*** alone!

Hey Henry, kudos to you for jumping off a dangerously tall bridge that is probably illegal, but honoring yourself anyway. Thousands gathered to watch SHM close out the festival Sunday night after a 5 year hiatus. But many more watched Fong become a Twitter legend.



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