
Spotify Wraps Up Your Year With A Special Gift Just For You

Christmas came a little early this year! Spotify is relaunching their annual “Wrapped” feature allowing their users insight on what they have personally streamed over the past year. How awesome of a present is that?

Replacing their personalized “Year in Music” feature launched last year, the Wrapped feature will inform its users about how much time they actually spent streaming music in 2016. It will also allow them to see how many artists and songs they listened to. The best part? The feature will quiz its user on how well they truly know their own listening habits. It doesn’t stop there – it also makes a personalized playlist of 30 songs one might not have stumbled upon during the year. You read that right…you can stop asking your friends for song advice, Spotify has got you covered!

The well-known streaming service has coyly acknowledged the fact that 2017, hasn’t been the easiest of years. Knowingly keeping in mind that their Wrapped feature was about to hit the Internet, the multibillion-dollar company recognized the hardships of the past few months stating “in a year that many wanted to tune out, music gave us a reason to keep listening.” We don’t know how you feel about that statement, but for us, it really hit home. Music is such a powerful relaxation tool – we absolutely can’t wait to see how our personal playlists reflects. Our moods must have changed significantly over this past 12 months – it will be interesting to see how this groundbreaking feature echoes our emotions with our own chosen tracks. Happy streaming!

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