
Leave Hangover Behind With Marijuana Wine

Marijuana Wine

“The Goal Is To Get Giggly And Naked With Someone”

You heard right. Wine is getting a marijuana makeover. Starting in 2018 California will allow recreational marijuana usage. Rebel Coast Winery recently announced they would be capitalizing on the new law. Although it is still illegal to mix pot with alcohol, this West Coast startup will be selling an alcohol-free, THC infused white wine to consumers in California. And the best part is that you’ll never wake up with a hangover!

The wine smells like cannabis while tasting like a traditional California sauvignon blanc. But don’t go out buying this wine thinking it’s going to get you stoned out of your mind. Each bottle contains 16mg of THC which “is not particularly strong”. This statement from their website explains the intention behind creating this new wine.

“Our goal is not to kill you after you’ve had a few glasses. The goal is to get giggly and naked with someone. We set out to mimic the experience you’d find with traditional wine; a couple glasses will put most people in a great place.

Similar concept with booze–if you want to get wasted– rip some shots, if you want to get really stoned– take some dabs.”

So if you enjoy a relaxing time getting stoned, taste of white wine, and supporting a small startup, this wine is for you. The California Sauvignon Blanc is already available for pre-order on the Rebel Coast Website. Each bottle retails for $59.99 which comes out to about $15 a glass. Rebel Coast hopes to ship to other states where marijuana is legal soon. If you get a chance to try it out, let us know how you like it!

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