
Instagram Will Now Allow You to Follow Hashtags

insta hash

Instagram Rolls Out New Hashtag Feature

I think we can all agree that Instagram is one of our most precious social media outlets. You can post photos of your friends, your food, or the crazy concert you went to last night. One thing that you can almost always find on a post is a hashtag. But you could never follow a hashtag movement… until now.

Just this week, Instagram announced they will roll out a feature that allows you to follow hashtags. All you have to do is search for a specific hashtag or click on one tagged in a post. It’ll take you to the hashtag’s page and you can see what people are posting on it. For those of you that are frequent festival goers, this is the perfect feature. Imagine the traffic the hashtags #ultra or #edc or #coachella will drive. You can even see what hashtags your friends are following. You can read more about the new hashtag feature on Instagram here.

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