
EDM Classic Track Revived as Theme Song for Miami Hurricanes Comeback

As some of you might’ve heard, the University of Miami (or The U) is back to its winning ways. This past weekend, we saw them trounce their long-time rival Notre Dame 41-8 in Miami. What you might not have heard is how hyped the students at The U are.

In the most Miami thing ever, a classic EDM track has become the unofficial song of the comeback. In a new viral video posted on Instagram by the account Barstool Sports, a group of students were tailgating and things got pretty wild. The video has racked up over 1 million views and counting. And if you turn the volume up in the video, it sounds like the students found the perfect theme song for their resurgent football program. The iconic Steve AngelloMax Vangeli & AN21 remix to Pendulum song ‘The Island’ can be heard blaring through the sound system. And right as the bass drops, so does the table. Looks like ‘The Island’ will be heard quite often before the season ends. I’ll let you guys watch it for yourselves.

Weekend recap: The U is backer than back @barstoolmiami

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