
Weinstein Scandal Prompts Alison Wonderland to Share Personal Abuse Story

Alison Wonderland Shares Personal Account of Sexual Harassment

Last week’s explosive NY Times exposé revealing Harvey Weinstein‘s rampant predation of women in Hollywood has invited voices from all across the industry to reprimand his heinous actions. Numerous women and men, both victims and allies, have seized the moment to speak up about the systemic sexual harassment that occurs within the frame of unequal power dynamics in Hollywood.

Stepping forward to speak against powerful forces within the industry is a commendable act that should be praised. However, the reality for some is that it can be a trigger and can evoke troubling memories of past abuse. Nonetheless, we applaud those who courageously take a stance against this issue all to common to the entertainment business.

Alison Wonderland is a vocal advocate of issues like mental illness and the social stigmas attached. Today, she took to twitter to join countless others to share their story of sexual harassment. Although her story does not directly involve Weinstein, her act of sharing the past experience is brave and courageous on its own.

Props to Alison for speaking her truth and taking action to ensure this doesn’t happen to others. Read the thread below.

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