
Meet Spotify.me, The Site That Tracks Your Most Streamed Items On Spotify

If you’re an avid Spotify user, it’s likely that there are a few artists or tracks that you continually find yourself revisiting (regardless of how much time you spend “discovering” new music – we all have those favorites we won’t leave behind).

Well, good news: there’s now a website that can statistically track your streaming content called Spotify.me. The site can evaluate your listening habits and show your most popular artists and tracks over a number of different time periods, including 4 weeks, 6 months and a year.

Using the platform is simple, as well – all you need to do is provide your account details and it will provide you with your listening habits. The goal? To learn more about an individual based on their streaming. The site’s introduction page reads:

“We’re constantly uncovering new habits in our streaming intelligence to teach us more about how people stream – we call it Understanding People Through Music.”

Give it a try for yourself – check it out here.

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