
Expect Over 18 Hour Wait Times to Enter Global Eclipse Gathering

Expect Over 18 Hour Wait Times to Enter Global Eclipse Gathering

We’ve all been there…you’re stoked to get into a festival to start living it up with your friends, or sometimes even solo, but before you get the opportunity to do so you need to be patient enough to wait in the dreaded lines! Oregon’s newly created Global Eclipse Gathering has pretty much just set the record for insanely long wait times: attendees should expect a wait of 18 or more hours to gain access through the gates.

The week long event beginning on August 17th, 2017 through August 23rd, 2017, specifically at 3:33pm, will incorporate 7 outstanding stages of musical acts, numerous workshops, several dance and yoga classes, incredibly talented theatrical and circus performances, along with stunning large-scale art exhibits that will be utilised as the backdrop to the main and highly anticipated event: a total solar eclipse!

Before partygoers are able to experience all of these amazing promises they must begin their journey through an estimated 15 to 30 mile traffic jam. It’s extremely important to remember that if you are partaking in the line you must remember to bring: food and water not to mention making sure that your gas tank is full.

It has been reported through social media channels that the highway has already run out of gas; however, other reports have stated that the problem has now been resolved. Regardless, if you are partaking in this adventure, please make sure to be prepared in all aspects that the journey will incorporate.

We hope that this experience is a memorable one to all of the participants. The festival itself will offer many creative aspects that many events do not usually showcase (i.e. the stunning solar eclipes!) Please be sure to stay safe, look out for one another, and make the most out of every experience. Even though lines aren’t always pleasant, one must remember the famous quote by Helen Keller “life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all.”


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