
A Song With 10-Minutes of Silence Crawls Up iTunes Charts


Every time you hop in the car and plug in your iPhone, the same song starts playing. Someone has created a 10-minute song of silence and named it ‘A a a a a Very Good Song‘ so that car rides no longer start by scrambling to find a song you want to hear.

iPhones automatically play music alphabetically and many users of iPhones have probably developed an aversion to songs starting with the letter A for this reason. Frantically scrolling through your music to find a song is no longer an issue with Samir Rezhami’s song of silence. Rezhami’s tweet announcing his genius solution yesterday has almost 15,000 likes.

Released just yesterday, many people are agreeing it is a very good song and have helped it climb the iTunes chart, reaching #42 just behind radio favorites like Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You.’ The song is receiving high praise, iTunes reviewers are calling it life changing and thanking Rezhami for his creation. A truly frugal iPhone user could create their own blank track but the 99 cents might be worth the convenience and definitely worth not hearing the same song every single time.

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