
Hardwell Performs To Lackluster Crowd At Intel Extreme Masters

Intel Extreme Masters

Hardwell recently had a performance at the Intel Extreme Masters in Katowice, Poland and it’s safe to say that it won’t go down as one of the highlights of his career.

Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) is basically one of the world’s largest video game competitions. It has been around for ten years and people come from all over the world to compete in tournaments for games like StarCraft, Counter Strike, Quake Live and more. This year, they hired Hardwell to perform at the event and it was a unique experience for him as captured on video. Throughout the set, he tries multiple times to get the crowd to raise their hands and get into the music. They seem to either not know what he’s doing or have no interest. Tough crowd. Check out the video yourself below.

H/T: r/EDM

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