IBM’s Artificial Intelligence Organizes San Francisco Rave

The world is always moving in different directions towards an innovative future. IBM worked with Daybreaker, “an early morning dance movement in 15 cities around the world,” to plan a special dance party. The genius super computer, Watson, that took down two all-star Jeopardy champs in 2011 was used to plan the first “cognitive dance party” in San Francisco.

The computer is widely used for daily tasks in lung cancer treatment, financial advising and it even assists veterans return to civilian life. To understand the artificial intelligence even more, check out the video at the bottom of the article made by IBM. Watson is truly something amazing and the technology will surely advance the world.

The company is finding a new use for Watson in the dance community. The system sorted attendees by personality type in three color-coordinated groups; people labeled expressive wore yellow, purple for conscientious and red for outgoing. Then they were escorted over to a table of healthy breakfast snacks created by Watson and exercise routines related to their personality type. The purple group relaxed with yoga, those wearing yellow pumped out high interval training and capoeira was done by the outgoing red group. Dancing attendees’ movements were also powering Watson with the kinetic energy flowing through the dance floor. The early morning event was a success and San Francisco danced through the morning as a LED sun rose behind the DJs.

It would be interesting to see what Watson would be able to do for a show or festival. Imagine going to see your favorite dj and powering the computer system that’s running the show. Who knows what the future holds! Follow Daybreaker on Instagram to follow the story.

H/T: vocativ