
Apple Removes ‘Finder for AirPods’ App

If you’ve ever felt the frustration of untangling headphone wires, you understand why a wireless set of headphones sounds so appealing.  AirPods by Apple have taken 26% of the wireless headphone market since their mid-December release. However, people are still struggling with the minimalist design and how easy it makes it to misplace an earbud.

A team of developers at Deucks created Finder for AirPods (think Find my iPhone but for the individual buds), which utilized Bluetooth technology to help tackle this problem. For AirPod owners it seemed like an extremely helpful app – unfortunately, Apple didn’t agree. After only being available in the app store for a few days, Apple removed it with no warning.

In an email, Apple told Deucks that they didn’t feel it was “appropriate for the app store.” Maybe Apple is creating their own version of a similar app or maybe there were technical issues that needed to be looked into. Many customers are feeling like it is just another tactic to keep them coming back in for replacements. Until Apple responds with a follow up, you’ll just have to continue keeping a close eye on your earbuds.

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