
Steve Aoki Misses Performing in Australia

Steve Aoki recently arrived in Australia to perform at MTV’s Beats & Eats Festival. In the days leading up to the festival he had a interview with MusicFeeds in which he talked about the current state of Australia’s EDM festival scene. He also shared his appreciation for Australia and thinks their festival scene will eventually return to former glory.

“I never get a chance, when I think about coming down here. It’s becoming less and less frequent, because the festivals are gone.”

“I was asking a lot of questions yesterday,” Aoki says. “What happened? Stereosonic and Future have bowed out.”

“Where do artists like myself, in the electronic space, go to play and to build our careers down here? People are still trying to figure it out.”

“I remember when I first started coming out here, I always listed Australia as a country where pound-for-pound it was a festival culture country. It was a blessing to come down here, because it was just beautiful days and everyone out having the time of their lives.”

“Now it’s even more special that I’m here, so I’m really happy to be down here.”

“I think maybe at the end of the day Australia needs some time, some breathing room to regrow again,” he says. “I mean, Flume has definitely taken the world by storm. Definitely building his own thing, I’m a huge fan of his for what he’s doing. I love a lot of the artists down here.”

MTV’s Beats & Eats Festival will take place this weekend in Wollongong, Australia. Saturday November 26th. Steve Aoki accompanies Maala, Paces, Tigerlily, Savage, and more. Grab last minute tickets here.

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