
LISTEN: LEViTATE Releases Refreshing Single ‘Mecca’

LEViTATE Releases Refreshing Single 'Mecca'

LEViTATE’s Mecca album has been a month in the making but the album’s conclusion is finally here, premiering on EDMTunes today. Off the latest wave, the album’s self-titled track “Mecca” makes an appearance as the lead single (alongside “Let Go,” “Air Raid,” and ”Finale”).

“Mecca” is a culmination of everything LEViTATE has been working up to this entire time. A post-electronic tune that explores an apocalyptic wasteland of the world he has been so carefully crafting. Everything he has built is torn down and burnt to ashes, a move that allows him to view things from a fresh perspective. Echoes of past work resonate through the nearly 7-minute long track as distorted vocals carry it forward, it’s in these moments that LEViTATE’s vast palette gets a proper chance to shine.

Chaos ensues but in the background there is a ray of hope that crawls its way to the foreground, a symbol that serves as a reminder that everything will be okay. “The album is an electronic concept album, that tells a powerful story of drug culture in rural low-income america.“ says LEViTATE, which is a wholly interesting topic in of itself, and one that isn’t explored in the all to often vapid and shallow world of electronic music.

You can find all of Mecca here and find more information about LEViTATE via his SoundCloud.

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