
Knife Party Music at the Center of the Donald Trump Movement

If there are two names you didn’t think could possibly have any relation to one another, it would probably be Knife Party and Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Love him or loathe him, the grassroots movement behind him is unlike any we have seen in politics and a huge portion of that support comes from the internet and social media communities. His dedicated supporter base has an enormously popular Reddit page, YouTube personas, citizen journalists and more.

His supporters consider themselves a counter culture movement and often refer to themselves as “centipedes” or “pedes” for short. They pride themselves and their movement on its ability to “nimbly navigate” the corrupt politics of the status quo. This also touts the Donald’s impressive ability to vanquish his Republican Primary opponents. They pride their movement in being like a centipede in having hundreds of feet on the ground in the form of supporters.  So how does Knife Party have anything to do with this? Well, their track “Centipede” is the core of it all and it started with a YouTube video series.

One Redditor describes the origins.

Perhaps The_Donald describes it best, explaining that the “You Can’t Stump the Trump” video series began as a joke poking fun at Trump’s antics. It just so happened that “Centipede” was the intro song to the video series. At one point during the campaign, Donald Trump himself tweeted out the video above and that’s when this whole thing sparked. As the candidate grew more serious the movement took on a whole new life of its own in the form of Knife Party’s centipede. The video series that started it all ended up going to 29 episodes.

While we don’t expect Knife Party to share in the enthusiasm for Donald Trump, we have a feeling Donald Trump and his centipedes will continue nimbly navigating for many years to come.

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