
Switzerland Design Company Creates Inflatable Rave Cave

rave cave

Remember those birthday parties with bouncy castles as a kid? What if I told you, that now, as an adult, you could have something similar – but with electronic music? You’d think I’m making it up, right? I assure you, it’s real: a design company in Switzerland has created an inflatable, mobile nightclub structure that will allow guests to party it up, dance all night, and if things get shut down, relocate. Yes, the rave really can be on-the-go now.

The structure, nicknamed “Shelter”, was designed for the Federation of Swiss Architects to host their annual summer party. The blow up structure contains a bar, dance floor, inflatable furniture, and a DJ booth. As an added benefit, this new concept is made out of black PVC vinyl, making it lightweight and allowing it to be mobile.

Does this make raving more convenient? Is this the nightclub of the future? Check out these pictures and give us your thoughts. One thing is for sure: this concept has our attention and the creative gears are turning, because in our minds the party never stops.

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