
Getter – Something New

Getter – Something New

Most producers pick a style and stick with it. If it works, great, then they churn out song after song and after a while they all start to blur together. We, as fans, get bored with that. Luckily for us, Getter, is NOT like that. His latest original track is proof of that. If you thought that the bass head could only produce amazingly gnarly dubstep, well then you were wrong. His latest track is titled, “Something New” and it is exactly that. Something completely new and a total 180 from the grime we have become accustomed to hearing.

“Something New” is a low down, future bass style track that will seriously have you questioning what to expect next. It’s feats like these that make you wonder what Getter will do next. He’s put out a ton of new music recently and is gearing up for a massive tour that you’ll hopefully get to snag a ticket to this fall. What do you think of this music production plot twist? Check out the stream and don’t forget to pre-order a copy of his EP, Wat the Frick before it’s expected release next month.

Getter Something New

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